Depression during the holidays

Depression During the Holidays

DOS & DON’TS OF SUPPORTING SOMEONE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS With the holidays just around the corner, it’s important to know that this can be a very difficult time of year for those with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Family gatherings can be overwhelming and conversations, at times, can feel more like interrogations. Yet your help in supporting…

Am I depressed?

Am I Depressed? Know the Signs and Symptoms of Depression

One of the biggest questions people want to know the answer to before going to see a psychiatrist is: Am I depressed? While no one wants to go through the hassle of making a doctor’s appointment for no reason, it’s always best to ask a mental health professional the answer to that question.  To help…

depression crisis, COVID

Depression Crisis Post-COVID: Care Workers Seeking Care

While it’s nothing new to hear that the COVID-19 pandemic took a disproportionate toll on those who work in healthcare, teaching, and first response careers, we are now starting to see the lingering effects that the pandemic is still having on their mental health. Today, we are seeing a depression crisis among workers in these…

psychedelic treatment

Psychedelic Treatment in Minneapolis–Not So New

Psychedelics are considered a relatively new and promising form of therapy for treating depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other trauma related disorders. While this is new to Western medicine, it has been used by indigenous people around the globe for thousands of years. As modern psychedelics go, Minneapolis has been on the forefront, and our own…


Antidepressant Options: Classes, Optimal Dosages, Side Effects & More

People often come to our Minneapolis depression clinic believing they have tried “every medication” for their depression, though that is rarely the case.

All too often, treatment-resistant patients may, in fact, be very treatable with antidepressants. A patient’s treatment-resistance to antidepressant medication is often caused by one of three scenarios.

how to have the best ketamine experience

How to Have the Best Ketamine Treatment Experience

In a recent blog, Ketamine Misconceptions: How One Patient’s ‘Weird’ Experience Could Have Been Life-Changing, I address some common misconceptions about ketamine that may be turning people away from this life-saving treatment. In addition to the details shared in this piece, it’s important to know that there is a wide range of patient experiences when…

Screenshot of preview for New York Times Article: I took Ketamine for My Depression. Things Got Pretty Weird. by Vanessa Barbara.

Ketamine Misconceptions: How One Patient’s ‘Weird’ Experience Could Have Been Life-Changing

The New York Times recently printed an opinion piece titled “I took ketamine for depression. Things got pretty weird.” In this piece, writer Vanessa Barbara describes her experience in Juiz de Fora, Brazil using intravenous ketamine treatment for her depression. The essay made me reflect on how ketamine therapy is administered nationwide. I have 38…

Teen Suicide Signs and Prevention

Teen Suicide

It is heartbreaking to hear that a teenager has chosen to end their own life. The devastating news creates shock waves throughout the entire community. Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and many others are all left wondering how it’s possible that this could have happened.

Questions Doctors, Physicians, and Providers Ask About TMS, Ketamine & Spravato in Minnesota
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Questions Providers Ask About TMS, Ketamine and Spravato in Minnesota

At the recent Minnesota Medical Association annual conference, many important questions were asked by primary care and specialist physicians during the session titled: The Use of Ketamine, Esketamine (often referred to by its brand name Spravato in Minnesota), and TMS in Depression. In today’s article, we highlight answers presented by AB+BC’s psychiatrists Dr. Steve Manlove,…

mental health clinic golden valley
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Options for Depression Management

Depression can present itself uniquely for each person, varying from mild to severe. Before deciding on a treatment for your depression, it’s important to know management options and the various levels of depression that each method is best for.